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» Plasti Dip High Gloss

Give It Some Shine!

New High Gloss Top Coat

Plasti Dip High Gloss Top Coat gives you a new level of gloss and clarity that goes beyond existing clear coatings. High Gloss Top Coat is perfect for use with effect pigments or as a high gloss layer over your existing finish.

Plasti Dip developed High Gloss Top Coat to provide a harder more durable finish than standard glossifier. This new formula is more rigid than standard Plasti Dip but gives you improved scratch and scuff resistance.


Applying High Gloss Top Coat takes a little more finesse and skill than normal Plasti Dip. Always start with a good looking base coat. Once you have a good base coat, you apply the Top Coat. Top Coat needs to be applied so that each pass of your spray gun overlaps the last pass by at least 50%. You want the surface to remain wet looking as you spray. This is the only way to get a consistent shine and gloss. This takes practice and becomes harder to do when you go to spray larger areas.

Keep temperature and humidity as stable as possible. Sudden changes while the top coat is drying can cloud or change its appearance. If you spray indoors, don't move your project outside until the topcoat is fully dry.

With the right care and practice you can achieve a world class finish. For more info please watch our videos below.

What Else?

High Gloss Top Coat goes great with our Pro FX spectral Pigments. Combine your purchase of Top Coat with your choice of Plasti Dip and one of Spectral Pigment Kits.

Start small to gain experience (doing your wheels is a perfect start) and work up to larger projects. For larger jobs select a good Earlex MS2901 HVLP Sprayer.