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» Orange 18.9 PDip Car Kit+SGun
Orange 18.9 PDip Car Kit+SGun

Orange 18.9 PDip Car Kit+SGun

Product Details:

Plasti Dip® Dip 18.9 litres & 20 litres Thinner & MS2901 Spray Station

1 x Orange 18.9 Litre Plasti Dip UV Flexible Rubber Coating, 1 x Earlex MS2901 Spray Station, 1 x 20 litre Thinners. (Makes 37.8 litres of Sprayable Plasti Dip at recommended 1:1 thinning ratio - sufficient for 3 small to average sized vehicles). Protects coated items against moisture, acids, abrasion, corrosion, skidding/slipping and provides a comfortable, controlled grip. No Base Coats required. No Fading.

THINNING: Thin the Plasti Dip with the Thinner to make the Plasti Dip Sprayable. It is recommended to thin Plasti Dip 1:1 (1 part thinner to 1 part Plasti Dip). DO NOT use car paint thinner to thin Plasti Dip. 1 x 18.9 Litre Plasti Dip UV Flexible Rubber Coating and 1 x 20 litre Thinners makes 37.8 litres of Sprayable Plasti Dip at recommended 1:1 thinning ratio. This is sufficient for 3 small to average sized vehicles.


After much research and consultation with Plasti Dip experts, Earlex have developed a spray gun specifically designed to spray Plasti Dip. They have filled a requirement of the Plasti Dip Enthusiasts as some spray guns have been deemed unsuitable for use with Plasti Dip. The MS2901 has a longer hose and a 1.5mm needle. The longer hose keeps the Plasti Dip away from the electrical components and the 1.5mm needle appears to give a finer spray and a smoother, professional finish. Trials have been carried out with good results. So, if you want a professional finish to your Plasti Dip - the MS2901 should fill your requirements. This is a 240 volt unit especially manufactured by Earlex for the Australian Market.

$2,702.50 Inc GST
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Orange 18.9 PDip Car Kit+SGun

Plasti Dip® Dip 18.9 litres & 20 litres Thinner & MS2901 Spray Station

1 x Orange 18.9 Litre Plasti Dip UV Flexible Rubber Coating, 1 x Earlex MS2901 Spray Station, 1 x 20 litre Thinners. (Makes 37.8 litres of Sprayable Plasti Dip at recommended 1:1 thinning ratio - sufficient for 3 small to average sized vehicles). Protects coated items against moisture, acids, abrasion, corrosion, skidding/slipping and provides a comfortable, controlled grip. No Base Coats required. No Fading.

THINNING: Thin the Plasti Dip with the Thinner to make the Plasti Dip Sprayable. It is recommended to thin Plasti Dip 1:1 (1 part thinner to 1 part Plasti Dip). DO NOT use car paint thinner to thin Plasti Dip. 1 x 18.9 Litre Plasti Dip UV Flexible Rubber Coating and 1 x 20 litre Thinners makes 37.8 litres of Sprayable Plasti Dip at recommended 1:1 thinning ratio. This is sufficient for 3 small to average sized vehicles.


After much research and consultation with Plasti Dip experts, Earlex have developed a spray gun specifically designed to spray Plasti Dip. They have filled a requirement of the Plasti Dip Enthusiasts as some spray guns have been deemed unsuitable for use with Plasti Dip. The MS2901 has a longer hose and a 1.5mm needle. The longer hose keeps the Plasti Dip away from the electrical components and the 1.5mm needle appears to give a finer spray and a smoother, professional finish. Trials have been carried out with good results. So, if you want a professional finish to your Plasti Dip - the MS2901 should fill your requirements. This is a 240 volt unit especially manufactured by Earlex for the Australian Market.


Plasti Dip is an air-dry, specialty rubber coating. In fact, it’s the original peelable, flexible, insulating, non-slip, durable rubber coating. The Plasti Dip product line provides a wide range of coating solutions from automotive customization to home improvement.


  • Easy to use application
  • Protects coated items against moisture, acids, abrasion, corrosion, and skidding/slipping, and provides a comfortable, controlled grip
  • Plasti Dip coats and gives a comfortable, controlled, colour coded grip to all types of tools: lawn and garden, mechanical, electrical, woodworking and masonry. (Non-skid grit can also be added.)
  • Insulates electrically and thermally. Dielectric: (ASTM D-1 49) 1 ,400v/mil
  • Peelable and removable from of most surfaces
  • If you require a permanent coating - surfaces which are non-absorbent such as metals should be primed using our recommended Primer which is available in a Clear colour 311 gram Aerosol. DO NOT use Primer if you wish to remove the Plasti Dip in the future.
  • If the coating gets damaged or wears out, or if you just want to change the look of your Plasti Dipped project, Plasti Dip peels off easily from most surfaces, leaving the material underneath in its original, pre-Dipped condition
  • Remains flexible and stretchy over time
  • Will not crack or become brittle in extreme weather conditions
  • Proven in temperatures from -30°F to 200°F (-34ºc to +93ºc.)
  • Plasti Dip can be easily applied by dipping, brushing, or spraying (thin with Plasti Dip Thinner for spraying - available in 4 litre and 20 litre cans).
  • Plasti Dip protective coating is ideal for a broad array of do-it-yourself projects around the home, garage, garden and elsewhere. It protects coated items against moisture, acids, abrasion, corrosion, skidding/slipping, and provides a comfortable, controlled grip.
  • PLASTI DIP® is not just for tool handles. Paint onto, spray or dip almost anything! Add more layers for greater protection or grip. Plasti Dip can be used on Paper, Tools, Arts and Crafts, Lawn Equipment, electrical connections, Rope and Fabric, Wood, Metal, Glass, Plastics, Rubber, Fibreglass, Chair and Table Legs…. and more.
  • WOOD: Seals and protects from weathering and prevents splitting.
  • METAL: Reduces vibration, deadens sound and prevents corrosion.
  • GLASS: Shatter proofs glass objects (available in clear).
  • Structural concrete: Sealing block walls - Roadway structures - Swimming pools - Foundations - Fountains - Walls and ceilings in processing plants - (wherever concrete deterioration is a problem)
  • Structural Steel: Joists and Beams - Metals (subjected to any corrosive environment) - Bridges - Cushions Hand Rails - Railings - Storage towers - Below ground tanks - Exposed machinery
  • Wherever metal is attacked - Plasti Dip performs! Transformers, Cables / Straps, Rope, Wood, Joy Sticks, Circuit Boards, Electrical Boxes placed on the ground, Magnets, Stove/Oven handles, Fabric, LaCrosse Sticks/Nets, Astro Turf, Food Grade Barrels, Crutch Handles, Control Boxes, Relay, Electric Winch, Metal Grates, Sharp edges, Pumps, Hand Tools, Valves / Actuators, Curtains, Pulleys & Rings, Clips, Poles, Glass, Underground tanks, Pipes, Hardware & Metal surfaces to prevent electrical discharge & sparks.
  • For coverage and other technical information, please refer to the Manufacturer's Technical Data Sheet, Tips, FAQ and 1001 uses sheets.
  • See product labels for further information.
  • Not only is this stuff good, IT'S FUN!!



Please note that product/swatch colours are a representation of the actual product and may vary depending on your monitor and/or browser settings.

We cannot anticipate all conditions under which this information and our products, or the products of other manufacturers in combination with our products, may be used. We accept no responsibility for results obtained by the applications of this information or the safety and suitability of our products, either alone or in combination with other product combinations for their own purposes. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, we sell the products without warranty, and buyers and users assume all responsibility and liability for loss or damage arising from the handling and use of our products whether used alone or in combination with other products. Ever changing V.O.C. regulations in your area may require you to contact local authorities for proper use and/or disposal of this product. Should you need further assistance, please contact Plastic Dips & Coatings technical service sales@plastidip.net.au or the contact details on our website.